Publication details

Diagnostika akutní pankreatitidy a perkutánní léčba jejich komplikací - současná situace a mýty.

Title in English Diagnosis of akute Pancreatitis and Percutaneous Treatment of its Complications - Present State and the Myths

VÁLEK Vlastimil KALA Zdeněk

Year of publication 2004
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Česká radiologie
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Field Other medical specializations
Keywords acute pancreatitis - Balthazar classification - drainage - CTSI - necrosis - pseudocyst - abscess
Description Diagnosis and treatment of acute pancreatitis is a complex team interdisciplinary problem. Radiologist in this team occupies a very important position particularly due to computing tomography and a possibility offered by minimally invasive therpy of early and late complications of this disease. The main breakthrough in the approach to diagnosis of acute pancreatitis was related to Balthazar classification and subsequently the determination of CTSI index of severity of the disease based on CT findings also according to Balthazar. The increasingly active approach of radiologists to drainege of acute collections of fluid and pseudocysts in patients with acute pancreatitis as well as some possibilities of treating necroses resulted in re-evaluation of the attitudes of surgeons. At the present time the main problem lays in correct classification and timing of CT examination and the drainage itself. The authors reviex data from literature and summarize their own experience. They call attention to most requent errors especially in the indication and timing of individual methods. The authors arrive at the conclusion presenting their view of practical approach in the use of CT and percutaneous drainege in these patinets.

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