Publication details

Analýza možných příčin neúspěchu rehabilitace hlasu pěveckou metodou

Title in English An analysis of possible causes of setbacks in the rehabilitation of voice disorders using the singing -voice technique


Year of publication 2004
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Citation FROSTOVÁ, Jana. Analýza možných příčin neúspěchu rehabilitace hlasu pěveckou metodou (An analysis of possible causes of setbacks in the rehabilitation of voice disorders using the singing -voice technique). In Sborník - 2.česko-slovenský foniatrický kongres a XV. celostátní foniatrické dny Evy Sedláčkové. 2004.
Description The main and decisive way of influencing voice disordesr in voice professionals and laymen is the creation of a mechanical stereotype of phonation that is functionally effective and unburdening.
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