Publication details

Významy slova to v navazovací platnosti v textech českého národního korpusu

Title in English Purports of the Connective Word to in the Texts of the Czech National Corp


Year of publication 2004
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Korpus jako zdroj dat o češtině.
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Linguistics
Keywords to - deictical word; to - particle; to - connective word; semantic relations in the sentence and in the text
Description We are going to concentrate on the connective word to that is not a pronoun and we are going to try to form the structure of queries that give a chance to find sentences with Czech word to as a conjunction or as a particle. There is usually connective Czech word to as (particle, conjunction) in begin of the sentences. The predicates of those sentences expressing the action in the nature (raining, thunder, night-fall), age, time, movement, location, qualification. The connective word to can express semantic relation (conditional and temporal relation, consequence) that can be connected with communicative and contextual conditions, with purport of the sentence or with the syntactical structure of the sentence with to. We are looking for those sentences in the Czech National Corp SYN2000 (see the adress

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