Publication details

Svádění ke kulturní asimilaci a resistence vůči ní: o dynamice sociální inkluze maďarské menšiny jižního Slovenska

Title in English The seduction of cultural assimilation and the resistance against it: on the social inclusion of Hungarian minority in Southern Slovakia


Year of publication 2004
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Description This paper subjects to interpretative analysis the discourse of Hungarian teachers working in the elementary schools of the Hungarian minority living in the southern regions of the Slovak Republic. It focuses on teachers experiences, strategies and legitimizations of resistance against the process of cultural assimilation that seduces and endangers the members of minority community. The first part outlines practices of resistance, particularly as they are embedded in activism, cultivation of Hungarian language skills and Hungarian national identity, and in efforts to teach Slovak language. The second part deals with forms of implicit justification provided by actors themselves. Legitimacy of resistance, in the sense of its inevitability is grounded in the ideas and arguments that crystallize around the following claims: firstly that ordinary people have an insufficient reflexivity; secondly that Hungarian minority identity has a stigmatic character, and finally that the promise of liberation offered by cultural assimilation is in fact an illusion.
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