Publication details

Distribuované Datové Sklady

Title in English Distributed Data Storage


Year of publication 2005
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Širokopásmové sítě a jejich aplikace
MU Faculty or unit

Institute of Computer Science

Field Use of computers, robotics and its application
Keywords IBP; distributed data storage; distributed file systems; libxio
Description We developed network of distributed data storage servers of total capacity 15TB. They are distributed in five towns across the Czech Republic. They are connected to high speed network CESNET2 using 1 Gbps connection. Distributed data storage consists of IBP (Internet Backplane Protocol) that offers time-limited byte arrays allocations. Information about particular data arrays is stored independently in metadata area, for which is used AFS storage to garant distributed access. We are developing further tools and interfaces for easier access to data storage. It is Web interface for uploading/downloading files, distributed file system that is implemented in userspace of operating system Linux, and distributed index for metadata handling. Data area of DiDaS project is used also for distributed encoding environment, e.g. lecture recording and processing where distribution boosts encoding performance.
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