Ženy ve vězeňské komunitě
Title in English | Women in prison's community |
Authors | |
Year of publication | 2004 |
Type | Article in Proceedings |
Conference | Ženská delikvence jako sociální jev : sborník příspěvků z konference pořádané Katedrou právní teorie Právnické fakulty MU v Brně, dne 4.11.2004 |
MU Faculty or unit | |
Citation | |
Field | Law sciences |
Keywords | Women's criminality ; Prison |
Description | The paper rekapituleted results of the interviews kept in some Czech prisons. The interviews did not confirm the existence of special groups of women imprisoned. Contrariwise, we can find two basic tendencies in the behaviour of women in prison. Partly there is a tendency to individualism there, which very often results in willful isolation, partly the orientation at couple's living together can be seen. The detemination motivation for scuh behaviour lies in the effort to get over the execution of their sentence without problems and conlicts in connection with the consciousness that the parole is only the way how to reduce the lenght of the imprisonment. This motivation causes rivalry, which is typical for feminine prison community. It makes for small spites, intrigues, slanders, provocations and others. |
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