Publication details

A DSGE Model of the Czech Inflacion Targeting and Monetary Policy:Solving and Estimating

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Year of publication 2005
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Description The lecture was aimed to the behavior analysis of the inflation targeting czech economy represented by a New Keynesian dynamics stochastics general equilibriu model (DSGE) consistently based on theoretical microeconomics foundations. The model is created by the realtions of finished-goods producing and intermediate-goods producing firms, representative households and central bank. Monetary policy of the central bank is represented by the generalized Taylor rule. The lecture contained explaning of the method for solving a linearized model of rational expectations. The Klaman filter with maximum likelihood is intoduced for an estimation of the solved model. The Kalman smoother is used for an estimation of the smoothed inflation target, which is unobserved state.
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