Publication details

Analytical HPLC Separation of Polycyclic Aromatic Nitrogen Heterocycles.



Year of publication 2005
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference The Raison dEtre of environmental toxicology and chemistry, SETAC Europe 15th Annual Meeting, 22-26 May 2005
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Analytic chemistry
Keywords HPLC; Polycyclic Aromatic Nitrogen Heterocycles; PANH
Description Potential of high performance liquid chromatography for separation and determination of polycyclic aromatic nitrogen heterocycles (PANHs) is discussed. PANHs are widely spread in the environment. They are formed and released into the environment from similar sources like other polycyclic aromatic compounds. The possibility of determination of PANHs in a mixture with PAHs on octadecyl stationary phase is demonstrated. Retention behaviour of the mixture of PANHs was studied at different chromatographic conditions. Mixture of buffer/organic modifier was used as mobile phase in isocratic and gradient mode. Effect of different pH mobile phase in acidic and neutral region on retention of individual PANHs has been investigated to describe retention changes of PANHs as a function of acid-base properties. Different concentration of buffer as a component of mobile phase was used for ionic strength effect study. Different gradients of mobile phase components were investigated. The large variability in mobile phase composition allows controlling properties of HPLC determination of PANHs in particular environmental samples. Limits of detection for two detection techniques, UV-DAD and FD are compared with other methods of PANHs determination.
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