Publication details

Řízení rozvoje univerzitní informační infrastruktury: Kudy, proč, jak

Title in English Managing Development of University Information Infrastructure: What, Why and How


Year of publication 2005
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Zborník UNINFOS 2005
MU Faculty or unit

Institute of Computer Science

Field Computer hardware and software
Keywords University information infrastructure; systems integration taxonomy
Description A typical information infrastructure of nowadays University consists of independently existing databases and, built on top of them, application systems. To keep the development of such structure within the limits of a cross-linked and consistent whole needs to adopt and apply various management, organizational and technological principles and rules. The topic of this paper is to discuss the possibilities and limits of applying various dimensions of systems integration to university information infrastructure development. The discussion ranges from management and organization principles to the ICT ones, and takes into account typical structures of university information systems users and providers.
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