Publication details

Barium-rich micas and manganoan sphalerite in sulphide-bearing dolomite marble from Rožná uranium deposit, Czech Republic: An example of Ba and Mn partitioning during regional metamorphism



Year of publication 2005
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Polskie Towarzystwo Mineralogiczne - Prace Specjalne
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Geology and mineralogy
Keywords Ba-phlogopite; kinoshitalite; manganoan sphalerite; metamorphism; Ba and Mn behaviour; marble protolith; Moldanubicum; Czech Republic
Description Barium-rich phlogopite and rare kinoshitalite were found in sulphide bearing dolomite marbles from Rožná uranium deposit, Moldanubicum, Czech Republic. Occurrences of relatively high contents of Mn in silicates and carbonates from host marble are typical but Ba and Mn show distinct behaviour during metamorphism. Manganese is partitioned to metamorphic sphalerite relative to Mn-poor Ba-micas. Barium was concentrated in early minerals and evidently depleted in late stage.
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