Publication details

Habitat requirements and distribution of Vertigo geyeri (Gastropoda: Pulmonata) in Western Carpathian rich fens

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HORSÁK Michal HÁJEK Michal

Year of publication 2005
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Journal of Conchology
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Ecology
Keywords ecology; molluscs; mire
Description In the course of research concerning 123 Western Carpathian fens carried out between 1997 and 2003, Vertigo geyeri Lindholm, 1925 was found in 20 sites (including the first reliable record from Poland). V. geyeri occurs in the three structural-distinct types of fens. Population density of V. geyeri significantly increases with increasing water pH. The species occurrence in petrifying springs is restricted only to one vegetation-type: the Inner-Carpathian extremely rich fens of the Caricetum davallianae association. The rich peat-forming fen with scarce carbonate grains and presence of meadow species (Valeriano simplicifoliae-Caricetum flavae) is the second vegetation type, in which V. geyeri occurs in the same frequency but with lower abundance.
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