Publication details

The influence of intersections and dead-ends of line-corridor networks on the breeding bird distribution



Year of publication 2005
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Folia Zoologica
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Ecology
Keywords windbreaks; spatial structure; bird species richness; bird density; GLM
Description The breeding bird communities in four networks of line corridors were studied during the period 1993-1996 with the aim to characterise the influence of intersections and deadends of corridors on the breeding bird distribution. The results of this study show that species richness and number of territories in line-corridors depend on the vegetation volume, width and distance of the section from the nearest intersection or dead-end. Moreover, the abundance of corridor-dependent species is influenced not only by the distance of the section from the nearest intersection or dead-end, but also by the section type. Sections adjacent to intersections support more territories of corridor-dependent species. In our study we recorded increasing number of territories of nightingale, blackcap, whitethroat, lesser whitethroat along with the decreasing distance of sections from dead-ends or intersections. Territories of great tit and icterine warbler were more common in sections adjacent to intersections. Only one species (tree sparrow) was associated with sections adjacent to dead-ends.
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