Publication details

Overexpression of the Bacterial IPT Gene in Developing Arabidopsis Seedlings Carrying Auxin Reporters.



Year of publication 2005
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description A poster presented by Alena Kuderova at the 2nd International Symposium "Auxins and Cytokinins in Plant Development", Prague, Czech Republic, July, 2005. Combination of two different tools - 1.overexpression of the bacterial IPT gene leading to raised level of endogenous cytokinin, and 2.histochemical or fluorescent visualization of local auxin maxima - allowed us to study the potential interaction of the two hormones in Arabidopsis. We concentrated on the root system and found out that cytokinin-suppressed root elongation and lateral root primordia development is accompanied by change in auxin distribution pattern.
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