Publication details

Der Mord auf dem Campus. Kriminální román jako téma semináře kreativního psaní ve výuce germanistů.

Title in English Der Mord auf dem Campus. A Crime Novel Written in the Department of German Studies Creative Writing Workshop.


Year of publication 2005
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Tvůrčí psaní - klíčová kompetence na vysoké škole.
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Mass media, audiovision
Keywords Creative Writing; Academic Wrtiting; Creativity
Description Students of German literature at Brno's Masaryk University have written "Vražda v kampusu", a crime novel. This paper traces its origins in a creative writing class and outlines its inspirations. The motley collection of chapters authored by various students is organised in a lexicon-novel inspired by "Lexikon einer sentimentalen Reise zum Exporteurtreffen in Druden" by Andrease Okopenko. Individual alphabetically ordered chapters are linked with more or less loosely connected parts of the novel.

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