Publication details

Harmonická koexistence zdánlivě neslučitelných způsobů chování aneb Scénologická dimenze Hapgoodové

Title in English The Harmonious Coexistence of Apparently Inconsistent Kinds of Behavious or the Scenological Dimension of Hapgood


Year of publication 2005
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Disk
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Art, architecture, cultural heritage
Keywords technika - scenologie
Description The article starts with the autors astonishment at the fact that this play by Tom Stoppard has never been played in the Czech republic. He underlines the fact that foreign articles highly praise the fact that Stoppards play serves the idea of quantum mechanics, while for him the plays main point of interest consists in its scenic dimension. Some directors who like to deform dramatic text consider Stoppards play particularly "resistantů because it demands close reading and in-depth compresehsion.
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