Publication details

Stanovištní nároky některých ohrožených a vzácných rostlin rašelinišť Třeboňska

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Title in English Environmental factors of some endangered and rare plants in Třeboňs mires


Year of publication 2005
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Zprávy České botanické společnosti
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

Field Botany
Keywords Fen; rare and endangered plants; ions concentration; Třeboň region
Description The importance of selected environmental factors for endangered and rare vascular plants and bryophytes were studied in non-forested mire vegetation on fishpond edges and spring fens in the Třeboň basin during the year 2004. There were detected 28 endangered and rare vascular plants and 10 species of endangered and rare bryophytes on 30 plots (each 16 m2) on 15 localities. pH, Ca2+ and Mg2+ content have governed the species richness. High amounts of nutrients were detected on the plots periodically flooded by fishpond water and plots where the fen vegetation has been substituting by grasses and tall sedges.
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