Publication details

Branch-Width, Parse Trees, and Monadic Second-Order Logic for Matroids



Year of publication 2006
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Ser B
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

Field General mathematics
Keywords matroid representation; branch-width; monadic second-order logic; tree automaton; fixed-parameter complexity
Description We introduce ``matroid parse trees'' which, using only a limited amount of information at each node, can build up the vector representations of matroids of bounded branch-width over a finite field. We prove that if $\mf M$ is a family of matroids described by a sentence in the monadic second-order logic of matroids, then there is a finite tree automaton accepting exactly those parse trees which build vector representations of the bounded-branch-width representable members of $\mf M$. Since the cycle matroids of graphs are representable over any field, our result directly extends the so called ``$MS_2$-theorem'' for graphs of bounded tree-width by Courcelle, and others. Moreover, applications and relations in areas other than matroid theory can be found, like for rank-width of graphs, or in the coding theory.
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