Surovinová základna štípaných industrií v předneolitickém osídlení jižních Čech
Title in English | Raw material basis of chipped industries in the Pre-Neolithic settlement of South Bohemia |
Authors | |
Year of publication | 2005 |
Type | Article in Proceedings |
Conference | 11. Kvartér 2005 |
MU Faculty or unit | |
Citation | |
Field | Archaeology, anthropology, ethnology |
Keywords | South Bohemia; Pre-Neolithic settlement; chipped industries; raw materials |
Description | There were used unusual local raw materials: siliceous weathering products of serpentinites (plasma, opals, siliciophites), pegmatite minerals (rock crystal, citrine, smoky quartz, rose quartz), south-bohemian quartzites of the Lipnice type, acid dyke subvolcanites of Permian age and rarely moldavites as well. Cherts of the Ortenburg Jurassic near Passau and erratic siliceous rocks from sediments of continetal ice sheet (generally transported from NW and N)dominate among imported raw materials. |