Publication details

Státní zájem a svoboda cestování v Rakousku (1780-1850)

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Title in English State interest and freedom of travelling in Austria (1780 - 1850)


Year of publication 2005
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Machačová, Jana Matejček, Jiří (eds.): Studie k sociálním dějinám, sv. 11
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field History
Keywords History of travelling; Czech lands (1780 - 1850)
Description This study is involved in the relation between the state and the travelling of inhabitants in Austria (between 1780 and 1850), in view of the Czech lands. For the freedom of travelling, the most important criterion was the benefit for the state, which practically meant the support of travelling that was connected with work or education, and prohibition of travels insignificant for the state, e.g. of gallant voyages. This postulate pulls down the to date views of a privileged position of higher social ranks.
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