Publication details

Miloševičovo Srbsko. Případová studie kompetitivního mobilizačního autoritativního režimu

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Title in English Serbia under Milosevic. The Case Study of Competitive Mobilisational Authoritarian Regime


Year of publication 2005
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Stedoevropské politické studie
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Field Political sciences
Keywords Serbia; non-democratic regimes; pluralism; mentality-ideology; mobilization; leadership; Slobodan Miloševi; competitive mobilisational authoritarian regime
Description The article aims at characterization of the political regime in Serbia in the period 1990 2000 according to the theoretical concepts of J. J. Linz. The text begins with the short description of the previous (communist) regime and the character of the transition. The strong emphasis is given on the analysis of the several axes of non-democratic regimes: the limited pluralism, mobilization, ideology and leadership. The authors conclude that the political system shall be classified as competitive mobilisational authoritarian regime.
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