Publication details

Die Teilnahme von Frauen an den Ergänzungswahlen in den mährischen Landtag 1865.

Title in English On Participation of Women in the By-Election to the Moravian Provincial Parliament in 1865.


Year of publication 2005
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Magister noster. Sborník statí věnovaných in memoriam prof.PhDr. Janu Havránkovi, CSc. Festschrift in memoriam Prof. PhDr. Jan Havránek,CSc. K vydání připravili Michal Svatoš - Luboš Velek - Alice Velková za spolupráce W.D. Godseye, Jr. a R. Melvilla
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field History
Keywords Female Suffrage; Moravia; Elections; Moravian Provincial Parliament; 19th Century
Description The study concerns the by-election in the Moravian Provincial Parliament in 1865 and the following disputes on the validity of votes from the female voters. In contrast to the female suffrage movement before the first World War, the disputes in the 1860s were affected by the period mentality. Attempts at participation of women in elections ranged only within the traditionally conceived framework of interest rerpresentation in which women-taxpayers were not the subject of woman suffrage exercise.
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