Publication details

Účinek antipsychotik na kognici

Title in English The effect of antipsychotics on cognition


Year of publication 2005
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Remedia
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Field Psychiatry, sexuology
Keywords cognitive deficiency; atypical antipsychotics; conventional antipsychotics; attention; memory; verbal fluency
Description Atypical antipsychotics are currently the most widespread therapeutical approach to cognitive deficiency in schizophrenic disorder. They are significantly more effective in controlling cognitive deficiency compared with conventional antipsychotics. Neverthless, results of the studies conducted to date in this area are somewhat discordant, which could be explained by differences in drug dosage, length of follow-up, population studied (first episode, drug resistant schizophrenia)and cognitive assessment method used. Atypical antipsychotics do not vary significantly in general effect on cognition but differences were found in their effects on particular domains (attention and verbal fluency). In confirmed, these differences could be relevant to better understanding of interindividual variation in cognitive deficiency between patient with schizophrenic disorder.
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