Publication details

Potenciál inkluzivních politik ve vztahu k romským komunitám

Title in English Potential of Inclusive Policies in Relation to Roma Communities


Year of publication 2005
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Tokárová, A., Kredátus, J., Frk, V. (eds.) Kvalita života a rovnosť príležitostí - z aspektu vzdelávania dospelých a sociálnej práce
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Field Sociology, demography
Keywords inclusion; Roma communities; labour market participation
Description The paper focuses on the problem of social inclusion of the disadvantaged groups (particularly on the Roma communities). The main interest is centred on the role of currently asserted inclusive public policies with respect to their potential of including the disadvantaged groups into the open labour market. The relevant public policies are implemented on the basis of the agreements reached by the EU in Lisbon summit (so-called Lisbon process) and the goals are binding also for the new EU entrants. The question remains: do the Roma communities exercise any realistic chance for the full social inclusion in their situation of the multidimensional social exclusion and social isolation and what alternatives are at the stake.
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