Publication details

The Czech School Culture and Strategies for its Development. The Pre-research

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Year of publication 2001
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The concept of school culture has come to education from the field of the business management. It is a factor difficult to define but omnipresent and relatively stable. It contains the convictions and values, understanding, attitudes, meanings, norms, symbols, rituals, ceremonies and preferred patterns of behaviour. This factor is expressed in the behaviour of people at school. The school culture is usually defined at the transrational level (values are regarded as metaphysical, based on convictions, codex of ethics and moral insight), at the rational level (values coming out of social context, norms, customs and expectations are dependent on collective decision-making) and at the subrational level (values are regarded as personal preferences and feelings, they stem from emotions and behavioral characteristics). The school culture is related both to the internal and external school environment. It is linked with work and educational processes at school and it is significant for the school development. Its essence and manifestation is formed in the process of history of a particular school as an institution and include both formal and informal aspects. At school there is usually one dominative culture and its subcultures (the subcultures of pupils, of specific groups of employees etc.).
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