Publication details

Tvorba otevřeného regionálního atlasu

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Title in English Design of the open regional atlas


Year of publication 2005
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Kartografické listy
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Earth magnetism, geography
Keywords electronic atlas; cartographic generalization; visualization; SVG; landscape skeleton
Description Electronic atlases are topical theme of contemporary cartographic research and production. Issue of our article is design of open electronic atlas of the south Moravia region. Atlas is open for inserting new cartographic methods and themes. In frame of the design of the atlas we can distinguish two main design streams: 1) technological and 2) cartographic infrastructure. According to technological issues are developed atlas engine, client interface and inserting interface. Cartographic infrastructure is core of the atlas. The infrastructure is composed from reference base, generalization and visualization schemas and methods, visualization styles, verification mechanisms and transformation procedures. According to use SVG as a graphical environment of the atlas we made brief preview of similar atlas projects. The software results of our research will be published under suitable open source licence.
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