Publication details

Učitelé na německé technice v Brně 1849-1945

Title in English Teachers at the German Technical University in Brno 1849-1945


Year of publication 2004
Type Monograph
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Citation ŠIŠMA, Pavel. Učitelé na německé technice v Brně 1849-1945 (Teachers at the German Technical University in Brno 1849-1945). 1st ed. Praha: Společnost pro dějiny věd a techniky, 2004, 205 pp. Práce z dějin techniky a přírodních věd, 2. ISBN 80-239-3279-9.
Description This book puts together lists of Professors, private and paid Docents, Lectures, and Assistants. Information about these persons we collected from many biographical encyclopaedias, dictionaries, and books devoted to the history of technical education in Austria and Germany.

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