Publication details

VIII. zasedání Ústředního výboru Svazu komunistů Srbska - přelomové datum moderní jugoslávské historie. Příspěvek k objasnění mocenského vzestupu Slobodana Miloševiće

Title in English 8th Session of Central Committee of the League of Communists of Serbia; a Turning Point of Modern Yugoslavian History


Year of publication 2005
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Studia historica brunensia
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field History
Keywords League of Communists of Serbia; Milošević; Yugoslavia;
Description Essay was dedicated to the period of 1984 to 1987, when political contest within the League of Communists of Serbia (hereinafter LCS) takes place, the result of which affected future destiny of Yugoslavia. Essay is focused to gradual genesis of two concepts within the League of Communists of Serbia, endeavoring to modify constitutional position of Serbia within the framework of Yugoslavia. First one strived to go on within existing system, the other, represented by ingoing politician S. Milošević intended to utilize even out of institutional way. Furthermore the author analyzes in detail conflict of both concepts, which took place during 8th Session of the LCS Central Committee, dated 23. to 24. 9. 1987, where the stream of Milošević won.

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