Publication details

Sídlišt lužické kultury ve Velkých Hošticích

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Title in English Settlement from the Lausitz culture in Velké Hoštice


Year of publication 2004
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Popelnicová pole a doba hlaštatská
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Citation JUCHELKA, Jiří. Sídlišt lužické kultury ve Velkých Hošticích (Settlement from the Lausitz culture in Velké Hoštice). In Popelnicová pole a doba hlaštatská. Ceské Budjovice: Jihieské muzeum v eských Budjovicích, 2004, p. 251 264, 14 pp. ISBN 80-86260-37-2.
Field Archaeology, anthropology, ethnology
Keywords Lausitz culture; settlement; lausitz pottery
Description From october 2001 till may 2002 the rescue archaeological excavation in Velké Hoštice in "Za humny" was led and the border of the locality from the time of Lausitz culture, dated to the phases RHA1 - A2, was discovered. The object 557 was the only one, dated to the phases RBC2 RBD
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