Publication details

Enhancement of Images Acquired using Optical Microscope



Year of publication 2005
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Proceedings of the 1st International Summer School on Computational Biology
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

Field Informatics
Keywords nonlinear diffusion; biomedical application; AOS numerical scheme; confocal microscopy
Description Due to the limitations of the scanning process, the image data acquired using confocal microscope are of-ten corrupted by the noise. Therefore some image preprocessing, which would reduce the noise without degradation of the underlying image, is needed before any further stage of image analysis. In this review we will discuss several well-known nonlinear diffusion filters, as they were published in the last decade. These filters are based on evolution of nonlinear partial differential equations. Unlike the common linear filters, they significantly reduce the amount of noise in the image while preserving details or even enhancing some edges. We will present efficient numerical schemes for solving such equations. Last but not least practical examples, comparison of the behaviour of individual methods and our experience with these filters will be shown.
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