Publication details

Kostnice ve Křtinách

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Title in English Ossuary in Krtiny, Czech Republic


Year of publication 2005
Type Exposition
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Citation HORÁČKOVÁ, Ladislava and Lenka VARGOVÁ. Kostnice ve Křtinách (Ossuary in Krtiny, Czech Republic). 2005.
Description Division of Medical Anthropology of the Department of Anatomy of the Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University in Brno, has recently performed a thorough investigation of more than 1000 skeletons or their parts coming from the crypt of cathedral Name of Virgin Maria in Křtiny. The studied bone remains were displaced to the new crypt and prepare for exhibition. Besides description of basic historical and anthropological dates an exhibition of some paleopathological findings was installed there. The unique collection of decorated skulls is the most interesting part of the exhibition. A new rebuilt ossuary was festive opened on 23.10.2005 and now it is opened to public.
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