Publication details

Incidence hlášení zhoubných novotvar ovaria v souboru sterilních pacientek léených metodami In Vitro Fertilizace

Title in English The incidence of malignancies in patients treated for infertility with in vitro fertilization database analysis of the Czech Republic National Oncology Register and the clinical register of the ART Centre


Year of publication 2005
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Praktická gynekologie
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Field Gynaecology and obstetrics
Keywords ovarian cancer; National Oncology Register; sterility treatment; database analysis
Description Objective: Analysis of potential relation between assisted reproduction treatment (ART) and enhanced risk of ovarian carcinoma (C56). Design: Exploratory data analysis of clinical register and National Oncology Register of Czech republic (NOR) Setting: University-based clinic. Patient(s): Analyzed file includes data from 12.527 assisted reproduction treatment cycles performed at 4360 patients within years 1982-2004. Intervention(s): None Main Outcome Measure(s): Preprocessed file of patients from clinical register was analyzed by Institute of Health Information and Statistics of the Czech Republic. Clinical database was compared with National Oncology Register (NOR) database and was defined the number of reported malignancies at observed group. Statistical significance of malignancy occurence was evaluated using p-value. Results: In the file of 4360 patients was reported 41 malignancies including 6 ovarian carcinomas. In the whole analyzed data file of 4360 patients is the expected incidence of ovarian malignancies 1,0028 that means 23/100 000 patients, according to the incidence of ovarian carcinoma between Czech Republic population. Conclusions: The incidence of ovarian malignancies at 4360 patients treated for infertility using in vitro fertilization techniques was 6 times higher comparing to the regular population of Czech Republic. This difference is statistical significant.

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