Publication details

Trestně procesní aspekty policejní kontroly, inscenace a provokace kriminality z pohledu slovenského a českého práva

Title in English The criminal-proces aspects of police control, staging and provocation of the criminality from point of the czech and slovak law wiew


Year of publication 2005
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Právne aspekty činnosti polície v boji proti kriminalite v európskej dimenzii
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

Field Law sciences
Keywords criminal procedure - police control - police staging - police provocation
Description Criminal-proces means of the police control, staging and provocation of the criminality, in light of the slovak and czech law. Common features and differences of both laws.The national law, union secondary law and realisation of the police cooperation in the criminal matters between the member states from point of evidences wiew.
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