Publication details

Volební inženýrství v ČSFR a ČR v letech 1990 až 1992.

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Title in English Electoral engineering in the CSFR and the CR in the years 1990 - 1992


Year of publication 2004
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

Description Author analyses the concepts of electoral and constitutional engineering from the 18. century, their substance and functions of elections, steps of electoral legislation. Electoral system author understands from the perspective of systems theory as the complex of all components which are a function of the electoral results. Each component of the electoral process is classified as part of the electoral system if any change in them would effect a change either on the number or proportion of votes cast or, if the number and proportion of cast votes remains the same, in the allocation of seats in representative body. Author analyses particulars of the drafts from 1990-1992 from the point of view of electoral engineering.
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