Publication details

Rokytenské slepence - základní charakteristika klimatická, geologická, botanická, zoologická, ochranářská a legislativní

Title in English Rokytenské slepence conglomerate - main characterization of climatological, geological, botanical, zoological, nature concervation and legislative features

BRYJA Vítězslav PAŘIL Petr

Year of publication 2002
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Přírodovědný sborník Západomoravského muzea v Třebíči
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Land protection
Keywords Rokytenské slepence conglomerate rocky valey; climatical; geological; botanical and zoological characteristics; nature conservation; conservation management; topographical terms
Description Short characterization of Rokytenské slepence conglomerate rocky valley is presented. We focused on basic climatic, geological, botanical and zoological characterization of area of conglomerate rock in valley of the river Rokytná. Recent status in nature conservation and possible management of protected area is discussed. This article precedes a series of studies concerning the fauna of invertebrates of Rokytenské slepence area published in this issue and should put a basic nomenclature of geographical terms used in above presented studies.
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