Publication details

Flóra a vegetace zdí na jižní a západní Moravě

Title in English Flora and vegetation of walls in southern and western Moravia


Year of publication 2004
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Doktorandské inspirace v botanice
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Citation SIMONOVÁ, Deana. Flóra a vegetace zdí na jižní a západní Moravě (Flora and vegetation of walls in southern and western Moravia). In Doktorandské inspirace v botanice. Praha: Česká botanická společnost, 2004, p. 67-67. ISBN 2004.
Field Ecology
Keywords wall vegetation; wall flora; phytosociology; gradient analysis
Description This study is devoted to flora and vegetation of horizontal and vertical wall surfaces in southern and western Moravia. The species composition is very heterogeneous, most of species occur with very low frequency. The most frequent species are anemochorous plants from Asteraceae and Poaceae family. 40% of the total wall flora is composed of alien species (24% archaeophytes and 16% neophytes).The species composition is strongly influenced by altitude and the type of wall microhabitat. In total, ten communities were described on walls. They are compared with analogous vegetation in the Czech Republic and Europe.
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