Zkušenosti se zjišťováním interakčních stylů učitelů na 2. stupni ZŠ
Title in English | Experience in finding of interaction style of primary teachers |
Authors | |
Year of publication | 2005 |
Type | Article in Proceedings |
Conference | Novinky v pedagogické a školní psychologii 1995-2005 |
MU Faculty or unit | |
Citation | |
web | http://www.jlukas.cz/doc/pedagogicka/zkusenosti_se_zjistovanim_interakcnich_stylu.pdf |
Field | Psychology |
Keywords | interpersonal behavior; interaction style; primary teacher; Questionnaire on Teacher Interaction |
Description | This article reports on findings from a research that deals with primary teachers interaction style. In theoretical background the article adverts to systems perspective on classroom communication and interpersonal teacher behavior (interaction style) which is described as probably the most important factor in educational process. We used the Questionnaire on Teacher Interaction (QTI) for description of teacher interpersonal behavior. The QTI arises from adaptation of Learys Interpersonal Checklist that was put in practice by Dutch scholars at the head of professor Theo Wubbels. The empirical part of our article deals above all with basic recommendations that can help us to use the QTI. This questionnaire can serve as a suitable instrument to survey feedback to teachers as well as to explore teachers self-reflection. |
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