Publication details

Palynologická studia jeskynních sedimentů moravských krasových oblastí

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Title in English Palynological studies in caves of the Moravian karstic area


Year of publication 2004
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference 3.Národní speleologický kongres
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Citation DOLÁKOVÁ, Nela. Palynologická studia jeskynních sedimentů moravských krasových oblastí (Palynological studies in caves of the Moravian karstic area). In 3.Národní speleologický kongres. Moravský kras, Sloup: ZN Production, 2004, p. 13-15. ISBN 80-903378-1-3.
Field Geology and mineralogy
Keywords Palynology; cave sediments; Moravian Karst
Description Sediments of the Moravian, Javoříčko and Hranice Karsts were palynologically investigated. They were of Holocene, Pleistocene and Miocene ages. Palynological studies enable paleoclimatical, paleogeographical and stratigraphical conclusions. The palynological studies in caves bring about the transport problems of the plant rests from their original positions on the cave surface. This fact can cause the mixing of different ages components as well as the selection and secondary accumulation of differently resistent palynomorphs.
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