Publication details

Depositional architecture of the Lower Badenian deposits in the southern and middle part of the Carpathian Foredeep in Czech Republic

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Year of publication 2006
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Przebieg i zmiennosc sedymentacji w basenach przedgorskich
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Geology and mineralogy
Keywords depositional architecture- foreland basin
Description All major architectonical elements of the foreland basins are conventionally considered to accumulate due to flexural subsidence of the foreland plate with typical regional orogenward thickening on basinal scale. The distinctive geometry of the Lower Badenian deposits reflects that flexural subsidence was not the major generator of accommodation space formation. Deposits are located in the central parts of the basin in some distance both from the passive and active basin margins. Areas with their maximum thickness are situated in the axis of the basin forming almost symmetric depression with SSW-NNE orientation. Lithofacies study allows us to distinct 15 lithofacies and 4 facies associations/depositional environments (i.e. coarse-grained deltas, coastal environment, lagoonal deposits and basinal/shelf deposits). Two of depositional environments strongly dominate. The coarse-grained deltas are the first one. The second dominant depositional environment is the basinal one. Location of the basin, distribution and character of the deposits can all be explained by the tectonic development of the Carpathian orogenic wedge where original NNW and NW oriented compression change its orientation towards NNE and NE during Upper Karpatian and Lower Badenian. The new accommodation space formed in the central parts of the foreland basin whereas its older and marginal parts were deformed and eroded. Depositional architecture, facies study and paleoecological results reveal the existence of 4 order cycles within studied deposits.
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