Publication details

Autoevaluace: obecný rámec a konkrétní příklad zkvalitňování práce škol

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Title in English Self-evaluation: General Framework and Specific Example of School Quality Development


Year of publication 2005
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Retrospektíva a perspektívy v edukácii
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Citation NOVOTNÝ, Petr, Milan POL and Jana VAŠŤATKOVÁ. Autoevaluace: obecný rámec a konkrétní příklad zkvalitňování práce škol (Self-evaluation: General Framework and Specific Example of School Quality Development). In Retrospektíva a perspektívy v edukácii. Nitra: Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre, Pedagogická fakulta, 2005, p. 289-295. ISBN 80-8050-918-2.
Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords self-evaluation; threats; opportunities; dissemination; project
Description This paper is focused on the problematics of school self-evaluation in the Czech Republic - the authors indicate the theoretical framework of the subject matter as well as its situation in Czech context. Hereinafter, a concrete international project "Bridges across Boundaries, Cross-disseminating quality development practices in Southern and Eastern Europe" is introduced - the authors are co-partners in this particular project. The aim of this project is to support self-evaluation processes at schools, Czech schools including.
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