Publication details

Patologické změny betonů panelových domů sídliště Brno - Komín

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Title in English Pathological changes in concrete prefabricates of block of flats in town district Komín

BOHÁČ Martin GREGEROVÁ Miroslava

Year of publication 2006
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Geologické výzkumy na Moravě a ve Slezsku v roce 2005
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Geology and mineralogy
Keywords Petrology - technical petrology - degradation of concrete - carbonation
Description Study is monitoring irreversible changes in concrete prefabricates in dependence of degradation factors in conditions of town district agglomeration. Attention is concentrate on degradation level of bonding agent and stone agent. Study is using metodes of polarization and electron microscopy, X-ray powder difraction, cathode-luminous metodes also chemical analysis, partial EDX analysis. There is a detailed description of bonding agent and distinguishing of carbonates by staining. There is main dependence between a concentration of acid-producting oxids and carbonation of concrete. The depth profiling of carbonates formed during a natural carbonation of concrete exposed to rain have been measured. Carbonation presented by micrite calcite in samples of concrete prefabricates from the surface to about 4 cm depth were detected.
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