Publication details

Vliv oxygenované vody na saturaci hemoglobinu kyslíkem

Title in English Influence of oxygenated water drinking on oxygen saturation of haemoglobin


Year of publication 2006
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Sport a kvalita života
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Sports Studies

Field Sport and leisure time activities
Keywords oxygen saturation of haemoglobin; oxygenated water; sport
Description The aim of the study was to find out an effect of oxygenated water Natural oxy explosive with declared oxygen concentration 60 mg/l (Nutrend) on an oxygen saturation of haemoglobin. Four volunteers (man A and woman B 52 years, man C 25 years and woman D 26 years) drunk 0,75 l oxygenated water in 10 minutes. We found out by pulse oxymetry a statistical significant increasing of the saturation in the first 30 minute period after the intake of the 0,75 l water (A: from 97,4 to 98,6; B: from 97,7 to 98,6; C: from 98,3 to 99,1; D: from 98,5 to 99,7). In follow 30 minutes the saturation in person B and C decreased. Older man and woman had lesser initial dates then younger people. In conclusion we can state that the tested water elevated oxygen saturation of haemoglobin. However we can not recommend the drink to athletes because the artificially enhancing of oxygen delivery is a prohibited method by World Anti-Doping Code.

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