Publication details

Pohřebiště lužické kultury v Holasovicích (okr. Opava)

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Title in English Lausitz cemetery in Holasovice (reg. Opava)


Year of publication 2006
Type Article in Periodical
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Archaeology, anthropology, ethnology
Keywords Urnfield period; Lausitz culture; burial
Description The cemetery is known from the end of the 19th century, then eleven graves were explored. Since the time many finds probably originated from this lokality are received to the museums in Ratiboř, The Naturhistorisches Museum in Wien, The Municipal Museum in Javoník and The Silesian Museum in Opava. Unfortunately any field documentation isnt known and also we miss a relevance of single finds to the particular graves. Nevertheless this collection of finds is very interesting and it deserves our attention. The analyses of single poterry finds showed us, that the cemetery was used from the beginning of the Lausitz culture (RBC2- RBD) to the Platěnická period
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