Publication details

Comparison of behavioral sensitization to ecstasy in mouse males and ovariectomized females with and without estrogen substitution



Year of publication 2006
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Final Program and Book of Abstracts
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Field Pharmacology and pharmaceutical chemistry
Keywords ecstasy; gender differences; mice; behavioural sensitization
Description Repeated administration of ecstasy (MDMA) is known to evoke behavioural sensitization (increased response) to its effects. Various studies suggest sexual dimorphism in sensitization (Izthak, 2004). Thus our study was designed to examine possible gender differences in MDMA-induced behavioral sensitization. Three groups of mice were tested: males, ovariectomized females and ovariectomized females with estrogen substitution. We evaluated locomotor activity in the open field test using Actitrack apparatus (Panlab, S.L., Spain). All females generally showed higher locomotor activity than males. Nevertheless, male susceptibility to acute MDMA was higher comparing to both female groups, while only estrogenized females showed tendency to develop behavioral sensitization when increasing their responses to repeated MDMA administration. These results indicate a promising platform for further research of probably existing gender differences in vulnerability to MDMA effects.
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