Publication details

Směleji a rozhodněji za českou hudbu! "Společenské vědomí" české hudební kultury 1945-1969 v zrcadle dobové hudební publicistiky

Title in English The "Communal Consciousness" of Czech Music Culture 1945-1969


Year of publication 2006
Type Monograph
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description This paper is an attempt to partially analyze the changes that took place in relation to political events in Czechoslovakia (especially in the geopolitical and cultural contexts) during the years 1945-1969 in the area we might provisionally call “the communal consciousness of Czech musical culture”. By examining particular specimens of Czech music journalism over a defined period of time, we hope to follow the evolution of frequently-used terms and concepts indicative of communication during that time, and the development of the underlying opinions expressed by these terms.

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