Publication details

Využití značkovacího jazyka SVG ve webové kartografii

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Title in English Usage of SVG Markup Language for Web Cartography


Year of publication 2006
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Sborník abstraktů referátů z XXI. sjezdu České geografické společnosti
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Earth magnetism, geography
Keywords SVG; web cartography; cartographic symbology; interactive map application; SVG viewers; choropleth map
Description This paper describes some SVG basics, current support in browsers and SVG scripting. Main part of the paper deals with usage of SVG markup language for cartographic symbology, particularly point, line and areal symbols. In the end, sample interactive map application is depicted. The application can visualize choropleth maps. Its basic feature is data independency, so it's possible to load any data in defined structure (XML) and to vizualize it like interactive choropleth map with full functionality.
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