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Priestorová analýza paleolitických sídlisk. Distribúcia artefaktov na gravettienskych sídliskách Pavlov a Kašov.

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Title in English Spatial analysis of Paleolithic sites. Distribution of artifacts at the Gravettian sites Pavlov and Kašov.

NOVÁK Martin

Year of publication 2007
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Přehledy výzkumů
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

Field Archaeology, anthropology, ethnology
Keywords intra-site spatial analysis; site formation processes; distribution patterns; Gravettian; Pavlov I; Kašov I; settlement structure; site models
Description Basing on a review of different approaches and methods of spatial analysis, this paper presents an analysis of artifact spatial distribution from two Gravettian sites, Pavlov and Kašov. The analysis includes mapping and descriptions of artifact density distributions, comparison of the various distribution patterns in each object category, and evaluation of those patterns in relation to settlement structures. The two sites, differing by geographical location (south Moravia and eastern Slovakia) and chronological position (Early and Late Gravettian) show a strong difference in size and structure of the settled area. Pavlov I represents the type of a 'large and complex site', with complicated spatial structure, where multiple spectra of activities were performed on the same place during a long time period. On the contrary, Kašov is a small base camp with more clearly defined spatial structure.
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