Publication details

Simulační manažerské hry jako nástroj rozvoje manažerských kompetencí

Title in English Business gaming simulation as means of development of managerial competencies


Year of publication 2006
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Nová teorie ekonomiky a managementu organizací
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Keywords manažerské hry; kompetence; znalosti; schopnosti; dovednosti; efektu učení; efekt sebereflexe; Manahra
Description Intangible assets, including human capital, have become ever more important a factor of company effectiveness. Business gaming simulation is one of the methods of development of competencies based o quasi-realistic experience. This article presents results of the research conducted within a particular business game with the aim of proving the hypothesis about effectiveness of this kind of games as means of competency development.

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