Publication details

Maps of georelief as derivates of digital elevation model


KOLEJKA Jaromír KLIMÁNEK Martin PLŠEK Vladimír

Year of publication 2006
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference XV Szkola kartograficzna „Świat techniki w kartografii"
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Citation KOLEJKA, Jaromír, Martin KLIMÁNEK and Vladimír PLŠEK. Maps of georelief as derivates of digital elevation model. In XV Szkola kartograficzna „Świat techniki w kartografii". 1st ed. Wroclaw: Urzad Marszalkowski Województwa Dolnoślaskiego, 2006, p. 31-32.
Field Earth magnetism, geography
Keywords DEM – terrain features – georelief energy – terrain ventilation – energy of unitary water stream
Description Digital elevation model constructed using the latest aerial photogrammetric technologies is characterized by much sharper resolution measured by the pixel size in comparison with previous similar data sources. Geodis Brno Ltd. produced the DEM with a resolution of 10 m for the total territory of Czech Republic (78 000 sq kms). „Little bit coarser“ DEMs with a 25 m pixel have been constructed by some national services. There is a 100 m DEM available on the internet as a free ware. Such geodata represent a suitable material for various experiments for counting both the traditional and unusual terrain features, or variables closely related with relief parameters. Such products can be called as „maps of georelief“ in general (hypsometry, slope, aspect, energy of georelief, terrain ventilation, energy of unitary water stream). These maps have been constructed during the research works related to the scientific VaV project „Atlas of the Landscape of Czech Republic“.
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