Publication details

Multimediální podpora výuky klinických a zdravotnických oborů

Title in English Multimedia support of medical education

SCHWARZ Daniel DUŠEK Ladislav

Year of publication 2006
Type R&D Presentation
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Description The main purpose of the web portal of Faculty of Medicine MU ( – shortened to portal in the further text) is to present multimedia learning material and electronic didactic works supporting the contact education as well as the distance education in the dynamically-evolving clinical and biomedical study programmes. The portal has become an official platform for publishing newly emerging electronic works at the Faculty of Medicine MU. The ISSN number has been assigned to the portal and its content is regularly archived by the National Library of the Czech Republic. The specifics of the current medicine, which have been described above, hamper the utilization of commonly used e learning tools. This matter of fact gave rise to the portal, which differs from an ordinary e learning system in many aspects. On the other hand, all the portal s outputs respect the learn management system integrated into the information system of MU (LMS IS MU) and they are interconnected to it.
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