Publication details

Savci (Mammalia) PP Hraniční meandry Odry

Title in English Mammals (Mammalia) of the Nature Monument Frontier meanders of the Odra river

ŠUHAJ Jiří ŘEHÁK Zdeněk ŠUHAJ Jaromír

Year of publication 2006
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Poodří
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Zoology
Keywords Meanders of the Odra river - mammal fauna
Description First review of mammal fauna occuring in the area of the new Nature Monument closed to the frontier between Poland and Czech Republic. Hitherto, 40 mammal species have been recorded which of 5 insectivore, 11 bat, 1 hare, 10 rodent, 10 carnivore and 3 ungulate species have been registered.
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